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standard plan中文是什么意思

用"standard plan"造句"standard plan"怎么读"standard plan" in a sentence


  • 标准计划
  • 标准设计


  • Standard plan for methods of chemical analysis by flame emission spectrophotometry
  • The standard plan includes property all risks , additional expenditure , loss of money and public liability cover
  • As regards its essence , constitutive elements of crime are that one comes from life prototype , higher than the life prototype again , standard plan " model " that is made by criminal law
    就其本质而论,犯罪构成是一个源于生活原型,又高于生活原型,由刑法规范拟制的“模型” 。
  • Through many years of experience and partnership with international mediacompanies , crd is uniquely positioned with international standard planning , production and creation know how and capabilities
  • Daily hunan food timely release of important news industry , the restaurant business investment , a true reflection of the hunan chefs and restaurants line the aspirations of the hunan food industry engaged in the provision of the relevant legal advisers , catering operations , hotel management , sauces research and development , materials distribution , innovative development , food commodities research , kitchenware distribution activities , lobby management , network technology , management training and other related businesses , websites high standards planning , a high starting point , catering mainly events , words , pictures and video display combining hunan chefs and catering history and splendid culture , carnival hunan by name chefs , dishes customs , trading records hunan food and social status
  • At least 6 years of planning or related experience ; bachelor degree or superior in planning , urban design or related fields from a prominent university ; candidates should have extensive built work experience in china and strong following by their clients ; thorough technical knowledge and understanding of national design codes and standard planning practices ; varied and progressive experience on a broad range of project types having played a significant lead role in more recent projects ; - strong organizational , management , professional and interpersonal skills ; excellent mandarin - english communication ( oral and written ) skills and proficient in technical terms in english ( or french ) are critical to this position ; working and / or educational experience in an international environment is preferred
  • Esops has become a standard plan for employee ownership plan in western countries . although esops in united states is recognized as a benefit that employers may provide to their employees under erisa of 1974 , the tax reduction act of 1975 and later legislation , it does not make promise to offer some kind of fixed income or bonus to employees . employee income will be related to the return in their investment to the company , which will be very incentive to the employee
    现在, esops已成为西方员工持股制度的典型,虽然它也是美国众多福利计划的一种,但它不向员工保证提供某种固定收益或福利待遇,而是将员工的收益与其对企业的股权投资相联系,从而将员工个人的利益同企业的效益、管理和员工自身的努力等因素结合起来,因此带有明显的激励成分。
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